Heart-rending Choices

Jaden’s mom had a problem …. her troubled marriage was ending badly. With three children, she found herself in the middle of a custody battle and making one of the hardest decisions any mother could ever be asked to make. In order to keep the rest of her family together she had to send Jaden somewhere else. Most of us can’t even imagine what a choice like that would do to us. It was her heartbreaking reality.

After 2 separate stays in relative’s homes that were unsuccessful, Jaden’s mom was out of options and sought out foster care. Someone in the community suggested Safe Families for Children instead.

We were able to place Jaden with Leland and Janet who had no children of their own. It was a great fit.

One of the activities that made Jaden feel most balanced in his rocky home life, was basketball. Leland, his host father, loved basketball as well and they bonded by playing together. Jaden never had a man in his life that he could look up to or feel loved by, so the time and attention Leland gave to him while playing basketball had a huge impact on the boy.

On Father’s Day, Jaden wrote Leland a note: “I’m not your real son and you’re not my real dad, but let’s be honest, I am close enough.” He also noted that he had “made mistakes and you [Leland] have forgiven me”. This host father made a profound mark on Jaden, showed him love, forgiveness, and gave him the freedom to feel like a child when a majority of his life was lacking in all those things.

Two months later, Jaden’s family was reunited and Safe Families for Children provided his mother with tools and resources allowed her to safely parent her children. Jaden is happy to be back with his family. He still continues spend time with his host family who will be part of his life, as long as he needs them.

Your support of Safe Families for Children makes stories like Jaden’s possible. Jaden’s chances are so much better because he was able to get love and support in a desperate time of need for his mom and family. You are part of this wonderful story.

More Jadens are going to need our help this fall. Please give a gift today.