Always Ready with Open Door to Home and Heart

Meet Brent and Virginia Fremmerlid. For four years, they’ve opened their doors to more than 30 Safe Families children. Some have stayed with them more than once.

As Virginia says, “We thought we would be helping them, but each child has had such a huge influence on our home and in our hearts. We will never forget them, they will forever be a part of us.” To learn more about this amazing family view their story.

And, to make it possible for more children in need to be placed in loving, temporary homes like the Fremmerlid’s, please give to the Safe Families movement today.

We continue to lean into our goal to launch 10 new Safe Families for Children chapters in the western region this year. That’s more children cared for and more families given the opportunity to reunite in a healthy way.

Brent and Virginia are Safe Families for Children heroes and likewise so are those moms and dads who know they need help and that reach out voluntarily to Safe Families for Children with their child’s best interest at heart. They are asking for our support.

Together we’ll build strong, compassionate and caring communities as we support those who need us most.
Give now.